Antigua & Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda are both known for their excellent beaches

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Antigua and Barbuda Travel Information

Antigua (pronounced An-TEE-ga) has many beautiful stretches of coastline but its boast of 365 beaches should be taken with more than a grain of sand. Its offshore neighbor, Barbuda, is almost all beach. (See Antigua & Barbuda map)

Antigua's capital city, St. John's, dates as far back as 1681 but it has since suffered greatly. Two major fires (1769 and 1861) and two major earthquakes (1690 and 1843) destroyed the earliest structures, all made of wood.

Yet much of the existing town is old by Caribbean standards. Quite a few buildings dating back to the 1840s.

St. John's is best viewed as a shopping port. Heritage Quay is a modern looking duty-free complex while nearby Redcliffe Quay with brightly painted wooden buildings has all the charm and color. The city's Saturday morning market is always worthwhile.

Antigua's most interesting sites are out in the country and there are quite a few of those. See Things To Do

Not to be missed is English Harbour, home of Nelson's Dockyard, which is probably the Caribbean's finest historic recreation.

Shirley Heights, once a principal fortification for British troops, is stationed high over English Harbour. It houses a museum and old military cemetery.

On Sunday afternoons, Shirley Heights hosts practically the entire population at a lively barbecue with excellent steel band music.

Antigua also has many old sugar plantations, such as Betty's Hope. Exploring the rough rocky coastline of Indian Town National Park makes a good half-day excursion.

The Essentials
Antigua & Barbuda Deep Background
Courtesy of the CIA

Arrival Briefing
Details for travel to Antigua & Barbuda

Antigua Detailed Road Map
From Skyviews

Getting Married in Antigua & Barbuda
No time wasted here

Major Attractions

Nelson's Dockyard
Historical recreation & modern marina

Shirley Heights
The Caribbean's best Sunday afternoon party

Fig Tree Drive
A wonderful drive in the countryside

Fishing & Diving
Best billfishing is in the spring

Indian Town National Park
A cool walk in the windward coast

Frigate Bird Sanctuary, Barbuda
It looks like a clown convention with all those blown-up balloons.

To Antigua Things To Do