
Cerro de Punta Climb
Puerto Rico
Part 3

Only finding Atlantis would be harder
than finding the summit.

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The peak is still obscured in rain and cloud when I finally stand on it. As I walk around the summit, I can barely see the tops of the tall communications antennas clustered here.

Access for constructing these antennas is probably the main reason a road to the top was built in the first place.

I'm fascinated by the movement of the clouds as they cascade up the mountainside and then plunge down into the valley toward the parador.

The fog grows steadily thicker, creating a condition of almost complete whiteout. It's difficult enough finding my way around the summit. The return hiking path is impossible to locate.

There was no sign on the summit that marked it.

This potentially is very serious. How are you supposed to find your way back unless you never leave the path once you reach the top?

I no longer care. The important thing is I've walked on the peak of Cerro de Punta, a real challenge because of the poor signage.

Truthfully, just minutes earlier I'd discovered there isn't even a sign on the main road to indicate where you take the turnoff that leads to the summit.

This is a mountaintop no one is supposed to find.

Cerro de Punta Climb Part 1

Cerro de Punta Climb Part 2

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